About Us

About Sukhram Private ITI

The Sukhram Private I.T.I , is located in Village- Kukthari Pinahat ,Agra(U.P.) , the District Head Quarters.Established in the Year 2024. It has been set-up under the Craftsman Training Scheme affiliated to National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), through the Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGE&T), Govt. of India under the ministry of Labour, New Delhi.The following Technical courses below were taught with hand - on training Principal Trades

a Name of the Institute Sukhram Private ITI
b Address of the Institute Village- Kukthari Pinahat ,Agra(U.P.)PIN 283104
c Date of Establishment
d DGET File Reference No
e Code Allotted by DGET
f Contact No's +91 7451842786
g Mobile No's +91 7078485599
h Fax No's NA
i Email ID sukhramcollage@gmail.com
j Location-Rural/Urban Rural
k Approach/How to reach Village- Kukthari Pinahat ,Agra(U.P.)PIN 283104


Education Mission

"Our mission is to provide comprehensive and practical education to ITI trainees, empowering them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to excel in their chosen fields. We are committed to fostering a dynamic learning environment that promotes innovation, technical proficiency, and professional growth. Through hands-on training, industry-relevant curriculum, and mentorship, we aim to cultivate a workforce that is adaptable, competent, and capable of meeting the evolving demands of the global marketplace. Our ultimate goal is to equip ITI trainees with the expertise and mindset to become leaders in their industries, driving progress and innovation for the betterment of society."

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Minister for Training and Skills

We will enhance the quality of ITI training programs by modernizing curriculum to align with industry needs, integrating emerging technologies, and promoting experiential learning. Our aim is to equip trainees with practical skills that are directly applicable to their chosen fields, ensuring their readiness for the workforce. We will forge strategic partnerships with leading industries to provide trainees with valuable hands-on experience through internships and apprenticeships. We will establish robust career guidance and support services to assist trainees in navigating their career pathways effectively.

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The Best Offline Courses

Feed Curious Minds

"Feed Curious Minds" is about nurturing the innate human desire to learn, discover, and grow. It's about creating opportunities for people to satisfy their curiosity, expand their knowledge, and unleash their full potential.

  • Learning Library

    Learning in a library offers numerous benefits, including access to resources, a conducive environment for study, support from librarians, opportunities for collaboration, access to technology, cultural and educational programs, and support for lifelong learning. Libraries play a vital role in supporting education, research, and intellectual growth in communities around the world.

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    Offering free educational books in ITI institutions is a valuable investment in the future success of students. By ensuring access to essential learning materials, supporting self-directed learning, enhancing skill development, promoting flexibility and convenience, and fostering lifelong learning, free educational books contribute to the holistic development and empowerment of ITI students.

2 week Free Computer Course

offering every 3-month two-week free computer course, non-ITI trainees will have the opportunity to acquire valuable digital skills that are essential for success in today's digital age. Whether they are seeking employment, pursuing further education, or simply looking to expand their skill set, this course will empower participants to navigate the digital world with confidence and competence.

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